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Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning

Classcraft - An innovative game-based learning approach to teaching that helps increase social-emotional learning through collaboration and group dynamics. 

Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure - A fun YouTube video series that teaches relaxing techniques and yoga in a Pokemon setting. 

FUNecole - A digital learning solution for grades 1-6 that offers project-based interdisciplinary programs that include social-emotional learning.

GoNoodle - A popular learning tool that incorporates fun interactive videos to help a student’s physical wellness, academic success, and social-emotional health.  

Kickboard for Schools - Kickboard offers an abundance of resources for social-emotional learning and tips on how to integrate skills and core competencies into the classroom. 

Mind Yeti - Guided sessions and videos designed to teach mindfulness to students. 

Peekapak - Peekapak offers a social-emotional learning curriculum for PreK-5, including a  portal that allows teachers to track and monitor students. 

Quandary - A fantastic game designed to build a student's ethical and critical thinking skills. 

QuaverSEL -  Focused on PreK-5 students, QuaverSEL helps decrease classroom challenges, reinforce safety initiatives, improve attendance, and more. 

Resilient Educator - Offers resources for educators looking to understand what social-emotional learning is and how to integrate it into the classroom. 

Serendipity in Education - A blog by educator Allyson Apsey, who created a “Monday Morning Staff Check-In” to help teachers with their own social-emotional health and to better prepare for the week ahead. 

Social Express - Featuring animated interactive lessons that allow users to practice the skills needed to manage real-life social situations in a safe environment.  

SuperBetter - An innovative site/app that uses game-based learning to build social-emotional skills such as resilience, interpersonal communication, and mental well-being.